How Much to Charge For Pressure Washing a 1500 Square Foot Home
Anyone that wants to start a pressure washing business should know that families are going to be your bread and butter. A big part of the reason why that is the case has to do with the fact that single people and couples without kids usually don’t live in larger homes since they just don’t need that amount of extra space and they might even get overwhelmed with the thought of cleaning so massive an area at any given point in time.
Once a couple has kids, though, suffice it to say that they would not be satisfied with living in apartments and they would immediately want to move to the comfort and safety that only suburbs can provide in some way, shape or form. Hence, the key to improving your the woodlands pressure washing business is to target family customers, and once you start to do this it won’t be long before you get the chance to pressure wash an entire 1500 square foot home.
You should know that a gig like this only comes around once in a blue moon, so you might want to figure out what the right charges would be for it. Quoting too much will alienate the client, and too little would take money out of your pocket. Hence, you should go for a round figure of five hundred dollars. The rate of profit that it gives you might vary, but studies have shown that even numbers increase customer acquisition rates so you should definitely try this out since higher customer volume will compensate for any minor fluctuations that you might see in your level of profit.